Go With The Pros: Why Choose Professional Windshield Installation

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Go With The Pros: Why Choose Professional Windshield Installation

30 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If your car needs a new windshield, make sure you choose a professional installation. If you like to handle your own car repairs, you might think you can handle the installation as a DIY project. But that's not the best approach to take when you're dealing with the windshield on your car. Windshield installation might look simple, but that's not the case. In fact, a lot of things can go wrong when you try to handle the installation on your own. Read the list provided below. Here are five reasons to insist on professional installation for your new windshield. 

Insurance Covers the Cost

If you're worried about the cost of installing a new windshield, you shouldn't be. You might not realize it, but comprehensive insurance policies cover windshields and the installation. That means you can get your windshield professionally installed without needing to worry about the extra costs. 

Identify Vehicle Problems

If you're going to install your own windshield, you might miss something important in the process. This is especially true if you recently bought a used car. Many older cars have sustained damage that can undermine the windshield's safety. For instance, some accidents can cause frame damage. Unfortunately, frame damage can prevent windshields from sealing properly. When you have your windshield professionally installed, the installation crew can identify those types of vehicle problems. 

Alleviate Issues With Fit

If you've decided to install a new windshield on your own, you want to think about the fit. If you choose the wrong windshield, it might not fit your car the right way. Unfortunately, if your windshield isn't the right size, it can come loose while you're driving. To ensure the right fit, choose a professional installation for your new windshield. 

Ensure Accident Protection

If you need a new windshield on your car, it's time to consider accident protection. You might not know this, but improper installation can put your windshield at risk during an accident. In fact, during an accident, your windshield might shatter or cave in. One way to ensure accident protection is to have your windshield professionally installed. 

Receive Warranty Coverage

Finally, if your car needs a new windshield, make sure it's protected against defects. If you install the windshield yourself, you're not going to get warranty protection. That means you'll need to pay cash for the next replacement. But if you have your windshield professionally installed and something goes wrong, you'll have warranty protection. 

For more information, reach out to a local windshield installation service, such as Flash Auto Glass LLC.