Five Windshield Repair Warning Signs

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Five Windshield Repair Warning Signs

13 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Your car's windshield is an essential safety feature that protects you and your passengers from the elements and debris on the road. However, over time, it can become damaged, compromising its effectiveness. Here are five signs that it might be time to repair your windshield.

  1. Small Chips or Cracks: Even small chips or cracks in your windshield can quickly turn into a more significant problem. If you notice any damage, such as a chip or crack, it's important to get it repaired as soon as possible. A small chip or crack can be repaired quickly and easily, and it can save you from having to replace the entire windshield later.

  2. Pitting or Scratches: Over time, your windshield can become pitted or scratched, making it difficult to see clearly. Pitting is caused by debris hitting the windshield, and it creates tiny pits in the glass that can reflect light and create glare. Scratches can be caused by a variety of factors, including dirt, gravel, and even wiper blades. If you notice any pitting or scratches on your windshield, it's time to get it repaired.

  3. Haze or Discoloration: Over time, your windshield can become hazy or discolored, making it difficult to see clearly. This can be caused by exposure to the sun or other environmental factors. If you notice any haze or discoloration on your windshield, it's time to get it repaired.

  4. Water Leaks: If you notice water leaking into your car from around the windshield, it's a sign that the seal around the windshield is damaged. This can be caused by age, exposure to the elements, or poor installation. If you notice any water leaks, it's time to get your windshield repaired.

  5. Windshield Wipers Skipping: If your windshield wipers are skipping or not moving smoothly across the windshield, it could be a sign that the windshield is damaged. When the windshield is damaged, it can create friction between the wipers and the glass, causing them to skip or move unevenly. If you notice any issues with your windshield wipers, it's time to get your windshield repaired.

In conclusion, your windshield is an essential safety feature in your car. If you notice any small chips or cracks, pitting or scratches, haze or discoloration, water leaks, or issues with your windshield wipers, it's time to get your windshield repaired. Repairing your windshield can improve your visibility and safety on the road, and it can save you from having to replace the entire windshield later. 

For more information on windshield repair, contact a professional near you.