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A Blog for Glass Enthusiast

Are you a glass enthusiast? It's not an exclusive club; it is easy to join! All you have to do is decide that glass is an excellent material and one you are proud to use. Unlike a lot of other materials used today, glass is easily recycled, which means it is good for the planet. Earth could definitely benefit from humans using more glass and fewer artificial materials. That's something glass enthusiasts can help with. So pull out your glass straws, start using glass to hold your leftovers, and join the club. Spend some time reading this glass enthusiasts' blog, too!


Why Placement Is Critical With A Seamless Shower Door Installation

7 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

A seamless shower door can add a heightened sense of style to any bathroom. Even if you're hiring a contractor to do a seamless shower door installation job, you'll still need to make a few key decisions. One of the biggest choices will be the placement of the shower door. Here is why that matters so much.  Cleaning and Maintenance The placement of the shower door will determine how hard or easy the cleaning and maintenance are going to be. Read More …

Five Things You Shouldn’t Assume When It Comes To Auto Glass Installation

24 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Vehicle owners need to understand the process of getting an auto glass installation done. If your auto glass becomes damaged in any way, you need to get it looked at by an auto glass technician. You also need to avoid making inaccurate assumptions about auto glass installation services. The following are five things you shouldn't assume when it comes to auto glass installation.  Filing a claim for auto glass installation will increase your premiums Read More …

The Top 3 Benefits Of Upgrading To Frameless Glass Shower Doors

19 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Are you still using a shower curtain or metal framed shower doors? If so, you may want to strongly consider upgrading to frameless glass shower doors. This is because frameless shower doors offer several benefits that shower curtains and metal framed doors simply cannot offer. In this article, you can learn more about three of these benefits. Taking the time to review these benefits will help you to decide if upgrading to frameless shower doors is the right decision for you. Read More …

4 Auto Glass Shop Features For Customers

9 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Cracked auto glass doesn't have to ruin your day. As long as you have the contact information of an auto glass repair shop, you can have your windows, windshields, and other auto glass fixtures fixed or replaced as soon as possible. These are some features that auto glass repair customers can enjoy: 1. Enjoy remote auto glass repair services Many auto glass repair shops offer remote glass repair services. This means that instead of traveling to a repair shop in person, you can call ahead to schedule a house call. Read More …

Go With The Pros: Why Choose Professional Windshield Installation

30 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If your car needs a new windshield, make sure you choose a professional installation. If you like to handle your own car repairs, you might think you can handle the installation as a DIY project. But that's not the best approach to take when you're dealing with the windshield on your car. Windshield installation might look simple, but that's not the case. In fact, a lot of things can go wrong when you try to handle the installation on your own. Read More …